Stihl 261

Røttene går tilbake til modell 02 og kommer direkte fra den populære MS 260: STIHL MS 2viderefører stamtreet til STIHLs motorsagfamilie for profesjonelt . Nye MS 2C-M En videreutvikling av en av verdens mest solgte motorsager. Bygd på erfaring og utstyrt med .

The MS 2chainsaw delivers low emissions, high fuel efficiency an of course, professional-grade performance. Its redesigned cylinder and ergonomic . Rask, sterk og intelligent proffmotorsag med M-Tronic. Drivstofforbruket justeres helelektronisk og automatisk etter forholdene.

Sammenlign priser på STIHL MS 2C-M Motorsag. STIHL has further optimised its MS 2C-M chainsaw. The power output is noticeably higher, despite the reduced weight, which will allow you to carry out the . When time means money the stihl MS2gets the job done. Find great deals for Stihl MS 2Chainsaw. The MS 2C-M, C-BM and C-M VW professional chainsaws have been upgraded to reduce weight and increase power.

Stihl MS2Chain Saw with carrying case , hardly used , in very good condition , $600. Please check my other Kijiji for hedge trimmers , Leaf . Jonsered kan også være aktuelle.

Erinomainen ja suosittu ammattisaha kaikkeen metsätyöhön. Varustettu vakiona M-Tronic elektronisella moottorinohjausjärjestelmällä, . Anything bigger is clumsy and tires me out fast, and this saw handles well and is fairly light . This low-emission, high fuel-efficiency STIHL MS 2chainsaw was built for professional users and homeowners with large jobs. Motorne naprave in produkti znamk STIHL, VIKING in FISKARS. Zelo lahka, priročna in zmogljiva profesionalna motorna žaga.

In addition the MS 2features the HDair filter for long filter life. Rýchla, s vysokou priechodnosťou do dreva, s intervalom čistenia filtra až 5x dlhším v . Last time we looked at the Stihl 2it had just gone M-Tronic. We are looking at it again because further upgrading has made it lighter and just . MS261) Producator: Stihl Model: MS 2Descriere MS 2Motofierastrau Stihl model . The 2-MIX technology in the innovative STIHL MS 2C-M ensures up to less fuel consumption and up to emissions reduction compared to the same . But something tells me he makes runners outta the original MS2too.

Stihl STIHL benzininiai pjūklai miškų ūkiui - Stihl MS 261. Labai lengvas, patogus ir galingas motorinis pjūklas profesionalams. Lyginant su ankstesniu modeliu.

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